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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Not So Deep (Random) Thoughts

While browsing, I came across this exquisite "Snow-Covered Fields" dress and decided to post it because is delightful and springy :) Come soon, Spring! (Aside: what are the chances of getting Kenny to purchase this for my birthday next month? hmm...)

Now on to things I can actually have ;) Here is our new camera which we ordered after Christmas! Everything but the camera body has arrived on our doorstep...I guess that's what we get for finding a bargain; it's coming...just on back-order! Although, I am finding it increasingly difficult to take photos without a camera body...

Currently, we have this Canon case:

This lens:

(almost) this Canon Rebel body:

And this whimsical strap from!

This is the forecast for tomorrow:

I do love snow.

I'm also loving this cozy evening in with my Valentine: Indian food, Graeter's Ice-Cream and Star Trek, the movie.

In addition, I am enjoying writing this blog without rhyme or reason!

Happy Valentines Day, friends!

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