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Friday, July 16, 2010

Jon & Abigail's Wedding

June 25, 2010 was such a special day!!! Click here to view Jon & Abigail's wedding slideshow (note: turn up the volume, and grab a kleenex!):

To view some "stills" visit and click on BLOG. Just scroll down or type "Jon & Abigail" into the search engine. :-)

This picture is particularly special to me! I was so honored to sing at their was one of my life's greatest joys!

And here's the wedding party...all 20 of us + bride & groom :)

And now....they live two doors down from us! WOOT!
Let the par-tay begin!


  1. the pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!! so happy for your family! I hope you and Kenny are doing well...if you ever come this way please let us know, we would love to see you!

  2. I love the photos! YAY for weddings!
